I think that's the ESX swap file, I was more thinking of the one for Windows itself. We have almost a TB in swap alone, I hate to replicate that over our WAN link, especially considering it probably has a pretty high rate of change.
-----Original Message----- From: Eino Tuominen [mailto:eino@utu.fi] Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 1:09 PM To: Page, Jeremy Cc: Toasters Subject: Re: Mulling over virtual disk layout
Eino Tuominen wrote:
Should I put the swap file on a different VMDK and put that in a different volume? The reasoning behind this is that 1) The swap wants reasonably fast disk and
Actually, I remember that VMware suggests you use iSCSI (or FC) for swap. I couldn't find any pointers easily, could be my knowledge on this is outdated. But, I would certainly not put swap on the same volume, with or without A-SIS. Swapfiles are a very movable targets, and it's no point snapvaulting them either.
I found it:
It states:
When configuring virtual machines to run on NFS, it was stated at VMworld 2006 to move the VMware swap file (one is created for each VM) to a VMFS datastore. With NFS deployments an easy no cost solution to this need is to deploy an iSCSI LUN. At the time of writing this document, this recommendation could not be validated. For more information on data layout, including VMware swap file relocation, see "VMware Swap and Log File Data Layout," later in this document.