Brian Tao ( said, on [010711 09:43]:
Picking up a thread for a few months ago... we are looking at the
Lightwave now for all of our equipment (Sun Sparc servers, IBM/Compaq Intel servers, F5 load balancers, Cisco switches, Netapp filers, UPS's, environmental monitors, HVAC systems, etc.). Has anyone looked
Hmmm. The lightwaves are not too bad- I had four of them at my last gig- but there are a couple of caveats:
The damn things are just not anywhere near dense enough. 4u for 32 devices kind of hurts.
Once in a while (maybe once every six weeks) they would stop accepting connections, including to the administration port, and we'd have to go down and power cycle them. And maybe it was just time distortion due to having to reboot a console server in a crisis situation, but these things take *forever* to boot.
But yeah, the scrollback buffer is *great*