André> I need to keep snapshots so vol copy is out. Also, it will André> still use the internal loopback adapter. What I am trying to André> do is see if I can get faster throughput than the loopback André> adapter within the same controller. I will definitely let you André> know what the final outcome is. Thanks for the advice.
Do you have spare network interfaces? You could spin up another interface with a new IP and try copying via that path:
snapmirror initialize -S filer:/vol/a filer-eth1:/vol/a_new
That might be faster than the loopback. But I wonder if the real issue is come other bottleneck. Are the new volumes/RGs on different fibre channel controllers as well?
Thanks, John John Stoffel - Senior Staff Systems Administrator - System LSI Group Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. - - 508-486-1087