I consult for this company that has an old 740 cluster that is built out with FC8 shelves and primarily ST118202FC and ST318203FC disks with the ocassional X221 18GB gisks.
One of the filers has 2 shelves, the other 8.
The one with 8 shelves is having repeated problems with 'missing disks' - ie where a perfectly good disk just disapears from the loop. I think the missing disk problem may be localized to specific bays on specific shelves but in any event doesn't seem to follow the disk if it's moved. It also seems to affect spare disks more than active disks (I've kept as many spares hot as possible in the boxes due to the age of the disks) but this could just be an artifact of the behavior.
It's a little before my time with NetApps but I seem to recal hearing that these kinds of problems were not uncommon on the FC8/FC9 shelves.
Anyone have any suggestions as to how I can rectify the problems besides replacing the disks and shelves?