Does NetApp have an official or unofficial "hobbyist" or "home user" program, for people who want to play with older systems at home in a non-production/non-profit environment, and cant afford a service contract?
I've acquired a FA520 with four v2 SCSI disk shelves (full of 9G drives) and a full spares kit.
The unit came with a NFS license, but no CIFS - and I'd like to experiment with CIFS on this unit without having to build a UNIX box and serve NFS via SAMBA.
I'm running OnTap 5.3.7.
I've tried to obtain NetApp OnTap software for my F330, but with no luck. I ended up with a copy of a netapp simulator for linux... Not exactly why I purchased my NetApp system.
I have had exellent service with both Sun, SGI, HP and Digital when it comes to lisencing for home use. But the NetApp system is not in any way linked to a software lisence as other systems are. Or vise versa actually..
So my filer is at ease in the basement as a way too large book-support. And I am still ignorant when it comes to NetApp's and Data OnTap software.
Perhaps EMC Symmetrix is an easier path to walk with home use and lisencing?
John Enger