Hi all,
we are planning tomorrow upgrading two snapmirrored F740s from 5.3.7R3 to 6.0.3 .
Questions: 1. Which system do we upgrade first? ( destination or source filer ? )
2. Turn OFF snapmirror prior to upgrade?
3. At what time can I restart the mirror ?
-- after "vol status -c" tells me checksums are active ? Note: This could last probably two weeks until there are no 5.x snapshots anymore.
-- or directly after both filers are up with the new Ontap 6.x ?
-- is it necessary to delete all snapshots - to speed up the WAFL upgrade on both systems -- or is it ok to delete just the snapshots on the destination filer ?
4. And is there something else to consider ? I did not find any doku on this.
Thanks for help and advise Phil