erm.. I've pointed this out before. All that they have to do is set the mailing list so that only members can post...
if they can't be bothered or just don't have the time to upgrade the maialing list, I gladly volunteer to host it...
On Thu, 20 Jan 2005, Chris Thompson wrote: (Geoff Hardin) writes:
Ok, this has gotten to be the only source of Spam in my inbox. Surely there is a minimum level of filtering that can be done to block messages like this.
I certainly wouldn't be so bold as to claim it's the _only_ spam in mine, but it's a very significant proportion. My personal mail filter depends heavily on return path (envelope sender) values, so that mailing lists that let through spam are a real pain.
Where is fubar when we need him to explain that mathworks can only use mailing list software that is mumblety-mumble years old? :-)
Chris Thompson Email:
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