Paul Lupa wrote:
My questions to the group:
1: Is anyone sharing the same directory under CIFS and NFS and found a
workaround or an acceptable way to implement permissions?
Yes - but one thing that has to be assumed is that your NT and Unix usernames are the same. If that is the case you can create a Unix group for the people that need access to the file and give ownership of the file to that Unix group. Users coming in through NT will map into that Unix group and everthing will work fine. This pretty much does an end-around the "mixed" security model. In fact, you'd probably be better off just using "unix" mode on a volume that you control in such a manner. We have implemented this on at least a dozen shares and it works fine. This is with 5.2.x OS's. In 5.3.x there are probably more elegant ways to solve the problem using NT groups and usermap.cfg
2: Has anyone thought about what would be wrong with using UNIX permissions to determine access when using NFS and NT permissions when using CIFS?
We thought about it, tested it, it works fine - but your NT and Unix login ID's MUST be the same.