Hi Jochen,
I have tested a little bit with ssh-tunneling for NFS.
Bad idea.
client>> ssh -f -L 7777:filer:2049 -l root nstore2 sysstat 100 client>> ssh -f -L 8888:filer:4046 -l root nstore2 sysstat 100
What's nstore2? Is this a filer or a unix host? AFAIK the OnTap sshd will not do any port forwarding.
Or does anybody know if this is absolutely impossible with filers?
Never tried it but i don't see a reason to do this anyway.
If you 'just' need something to manage vol0: Install a jump/staging host to manage the filer.
You could also use rdfile/wrfile. (We are doing this on our FCP-Only filers and it works well.. it's not user friendly.. but it works.)
Regards, Adrian