Hi there
We have an old 7-mode NetApp on which we have created several 16TB LUNs and presented them via FC to a Windows host on which we have created one large drive using StoragePools. We now have the issue that space is not unmapped on the NetApp as we delete files from out large drive… SnapDrive does not see the LUNs we have mapped because StoragePools uses them, so we cannot start the Space Reclaimer. We have tried sdelete.exe with the -z option, but it does not seem to work for us…
I have read that we should be able to use defrag /L or Optimize-Volume X -ReTrim -SlabConsolidate
But I was wondering if anyone has tested this?
The StoragePool was created on Windows 2016, but has since been moved to a Windows 2019 platform..
Any suggestions are very welcome 😊
We are talking very large volumes, so I would rather not test that much 😉