Hey Toasters,
I've just upgraded one of my HA-pairs to 9.1P2 and wanted to switch to ACP inband connectivity following this KB: https://kb.netapp.com/support/s/article/ka31A00000012NsQAI/in-band-acp-setup...
According to this KB, I should be eligible for the switch:
::*> storage shelf acp module show -fields module-name,protocol-version,firmware-version,shelf-serial-number,iom-type,state node module-name protocol-version firmware-version shelf-serial-number iom-type state ------- ----------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------- -------- ------ nodeA 1.22.B 02.10 SHJMS1424000060 iom6 active nodeA 1.22.A 02.10 SHJMS1424000060 iom6 active nodeA 2.11.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000507 iom6 active nodeA 2.11.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000507 iom6 active nodeA 2.14.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000491 iom6 active nodeA 2.14.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000491 iom6 active nodeA 2.12.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000493 iom6 active nodeA 2.12.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000493 iom6 active nodeA 2.13.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000504 iom6 active nodeA 2.13.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000504 iom6 active nodeA 1.21.B 02.10 SHJMS1424000434 iom6 active nodeA 1.21.A 02.10 SHJMS1424000434 iom6 active nodeB 1.22.B 02.10 SHJMS1424000060 iom6 active nodeB 1.22.A 02.10 SHJMS1424000060 iom6 active nodeB 2.11.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000507 iom6 active nodeB 2.11.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000507 iom6 active nodeB 2.14.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000491 iom6 active nodeB 2.14.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000491 iom6 active nodeB 2.12.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000493 iom6 active nodeB 2.12.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000493 iom6 active nodeB 2.13.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000504 iom6 active nodeB 2.13.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000504 iom6 active nodeB 1.21.B 02.10 SHJMS1424000434 iom6 active nodeB 1.21.A 02.10 SHJMS1424000434 iom6 active 24 entries were displayed.
The requirements state that the IOM6 modules must be upgraded to 2.09 (I have 2.10) and ACP firmware must be at least (I have So I went ahead and ran this command:
storage shelf acp configure -is-enabled true -channel in-band
After a few minutes, I saw this:
::*> storage shelf acp show Node Channel Connectivity ------------------ --------------- ---------------------- nodeA in-band active nodeB in-band active 2 entries were displayed.
But when I ran the initial check command again, I saw this output:
::*> storage shelf acp module show -fields module-name,protocol-version,firmware-version,shelf-serial-number,iom-type,state node module-name protocol-version firmware-version shelf-serial-number iom-type state ------- ----------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------------- -------- ------------------------ nodeA 1.22.B 02.10 SHJMS1424000060 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 1.22.A 02.10 SHJMS1424000060 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 2.11.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000507 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 2.11.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000507 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 2.14.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000491 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 2.14.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000491 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 2.12.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000493 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 2.12.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000493 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 2.13.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000504 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 2.13.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000504 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 1.21.B 02.10 SHJMS1424000434 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeA 1.21.A 02.10 SHJMS1424000434 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 1.22.B 02.10 SHJMS1424000060 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 1.22.A 02.10 SHJMS1424000060 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 2.11.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000507 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 2.11.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000507 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 2.14.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000491 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 2.14.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000491 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 2.12.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000493 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 2.12.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000493 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 2.13.A 02.10 SHFMS1423000504 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 2.13.B 02.10 SHFMS1423000504 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 1.21.B 02.10 SHJMS1424000434 iom6 firmware-update-required nodeB 1.21.A 02.10 SHJMS1424000434 iom6 firmware-update-required 24 entries were displayed.
Out of curiosity, I tried to run the ACP update again:
nodeB> storage download acp
Downloading ACP firmware can take several minutes and will not disrupt client access during that time. However, normal ACP recovery capabilities will not be available while the firmware upgrade is in progress.
Are you sure you want to continue with ACP processor firmware update? y [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 2b.14.B as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 0a.14.A as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 0b.21.B as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 0a.13.A as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 0a.12.A as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 2a.21.A as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 2b.12.B as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 2b.13.B as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 0b.22.B as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 2a.22.A as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 0a.11.A as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. [storage download acp] Firmware will not be downloaded to module 2b.11.B as ACPP state is not active, Current ACPP state is 0x9. nodeB> exit
Eventlog also said, that a FW Upgrade is required:
::*> event log show -severity infORMATIONAL Time Node Severity Event ------------------- ---------------- ------------- --------------------------- 4/8/2017 11:41:15 nodeB INFORMATIONAL sfu.firmwareUpToDate: Firmware is up-to-date on all disk shelves. 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeA INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHFMS1423000507). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeA INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHFMS1423000504). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeA INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHFMS1423000491). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeA INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHFMS1423000493). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeA INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHJMS1424000060). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeA INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHJMS1424000434). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeB INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHFMS1423000493). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeB INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHFMS1423000504). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeB INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHFMS1423000507). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeB INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHFMS1423000491). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeB INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHJMS1424000434). 4/8/2017 11:39:37 nodeB INFORMATIONAL acp.need.firmware.update: ACP module (NA) needs a firmware upgrade, (disk shelf serial number: SHJMS1424000060).
I then switched back to OOB connectivity, and all is good again:
::*> storage shelf acp show Node Channel Connectivity ------------------ --------------- ---------------------- nodeA out-of-band full-connectivity nodeB out-of-band full-connectivity 2 entries were displayed.
Tried to run the ACP upgrade again, getting this:
nodeB> storage download acp
Downloading ACP firmware can take several minutes and will not disrupt client access during that time. However, normal ACP recovery capabilities will not be available while the firmware upgrade is in progress.
Are you sure you want to continue with ACP processor firmware update? y [storage download acp] ACP will check 12 modules for firmware download. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. [storage download acp] ACP module is not eligible for update. nodeB> exit
And now I'm back at the starting point. Any ideas what's going on here? Why does it tell me "firmware-update-required" when I'm already on the latest versions?
Alexander Griesser Head of Systems Operations
ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH
E-Mail: AGriesser@anexia-it.commailto:AGriesser@anexia-it.com Web: http://www.anexia-it.comhttp://www.anexia-it.com/
Anschrift Hauptsitz Klagenfurt: Feldkirchnerstraße 140, 9020 Klagenfurt Geschäftsführer: Alexander Windbichler Firmenbuch: FN 289918a | Gerichtsstand: Klagenfurt | UID-Nummer: AT U63216601