Iain.Barnetson@Halliburton.com writes
Of two filers updated to Data OnTap 7.0.1
Is that a typo for I didn't think 7.0.1 was out yet.
Sunday morning, one has now
got a Quotas problem.
Users are getting disk full errors when trying to write to Qtrees or Home folders despite have copious amounts of free space. The volumes and disks have space. The Qtrees are on one traditional volume and the Home folders on another traditional volume. When the quotas are off there's no problem.
Have checked the filer is reading the quotas file correctly by doing a rdfile /etc/quotas and comparing to the physical quotas file and it's exact.
Have tried switching on and off the quotas, and also rebooting the filer (it works for MS boxes!)
Have a ticket open with NetApp but so far no resolution.
Anyone experienced anything similar or any ideas on a resolution?
Well, it's alarmingly reminiscent of two recent toasters threads
"unix quota and df" (Charles Bartels) "df size reporting differences in ONTAP 7.0" (Adam McDougall)
except that they didn't actually report "disk full" conditions.
I think the chances of us going to ONTAP 7.x at Easter are now almost indistinguishable from zero! Many thanks to those of you who jumped in the deep end, and let us know where to send the wreath ... :-)
It's a pity that no-one from NetApp has contributed to any of these threads. Surely someone there at least knows what they were _trying_ to do with (NFSPROC_STATFS, NFSPROC3_FSSTAT, etc.) results?