* Dave Toal (dave_toal@t-t.com) done spit this rhetoric:
idsmajor:root:/mnt/etc>ls -als /tmp/a/* | head -20
There were no problems with applications pulling files from these directories on the netapp on
Friday, Dec 18. This volume is not mounted anywhere else. This is a production system -- nothing writes to the mount point.
I bet if you export the volume read only, the problem goes away ;)
What happened Saturday morning at 5 AM? Why did all these directories get touched?
If I had to take a WAG, I'd say that this was a RedHat Linux system, and that /etc/cron.daily/tmpwatch was blowing away all the files (it check for files not accessed in 10 days, and you probably have the no_atime_update option turned on).
If that's not it, then I'd look for other /tmp cleaning scripts.