All I know to do for status during a reconstruct is to use vol status. Is there a better more verbose way that can be issued at will?
Btw, I'm open to using a SNMP OID to get the info too, if I knew which IOD is was, and I don't recall any IODs that would tell me.
Look in the raidVTable -- if raidVStatus is reconstructionInProgress(2) or parityReconstructionInProgress(3), then raidVCompletionPerCent will have the number you want.. Now if only there were a raidVStatusChange TIMETICKS value from which you could derive the time to completion.....
. raidVStatus . raidVCompletionPercent . raidVPlexName ("/vol0/plex0") . raidVDiskName ("data disk 4.9") INDEX is raidVVol.raidVGroup.raidVIndex