Netapp can already Network Boot using BOOTP but it's not a tested and approved feature. :)
There should already be an RFE filed on this.
mention here:
and OnTAP 6.0 too. The Netbench figures blow away that tiny Compaq box, unsurprisingly, and 14 of these would blow away the Celerra 14 CPU, 14 Filesystems cluster if the SFS numbers are to be believed.)
There are a lot of problems with those SFS numbers - 433 disks, for example, arranged so that only 3.8TB are useable. No RAID protection; striping only. A price tag of over 10 million dollars even with discounts.
And don't be fooled by the 14 data movers... each Symmetrix also has two CPUs, called Channel Directors, which assist in the cacheing and moving of data much like the filer uses DRAM. In actuality they use 84 total processors in that Celerra configuration.