I have four (4) F630 filers (yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, upgrade!) and an additional two (2) F740 filers.
I want to direct attach at least 1 drive from a library to each filer and I want to use Ultrium LTO libraries. Failing LTO support, I would like to use AIT-2 libraries. The problem that I have is that neither of these is officially support on the F630 platform! (AIT-2 is on the F740)
Does anyone have AIT-2 running on F630? I don't want to run Mammoth, as I have heard too many horror stories (yes, I know that M2 beats AIT-2 by 2:1 for speed and by 10GB capacity, but that's irrelevant if the drive is down for maintenance much more often).
Better yet, does anyone have LTO running on a Filer of any model, preferably a F630? (since they are barely shipping LTO, I doubt it). If you don't know what LTO is, go looking at HP, Seagate or IBM. Seagate seems to have the best drive at 16mb/sec with 100gb capacity and I think that this is due to a variable speed motor (which should also allow it to kick HP & IBM's butt when you can't keep data streaming in at 15mb/sec or better!)
Steve Vawter voice: 408-490-5310 fax: 408-490-8615 Staff UNIX Systems Administrator Steve.Vawter@C-Cube.COM