I've got a 720 that's becoming very unresponsive under high loads. It doesn't get up to 100%, but it does hit 85-90%. This is during times of high writes to one volume, on the order of 5-10 Megs/sec.
The unresponsiveness to pings seems odd, but those writes are probably about as much as you'll get out of the 720. Looking at my 760's in the past, they had exhausted cpu at just over 20MB/s of writes (those were full-frame packets over a non-jumbo'ed Gig-II). Having been at a cash-strapped dot com for some time now, I haven't had the luxury of perusing new hardware options much, but does anyone know what kind of performance benefit is picked up w/ ZCS vs. BCS volumes?
Could it be symlinks causing my woes? Any tips for solving this problem?
No matter how many, or how inefficient the symlinks are, they won't affect write performance (unless of course you've got writes competing wiht lookups). Once the file's open, it doesn't matter how the filesystem got there.