Graham --
I was going to write your response when I first saw the 'NetApp Vunerability!', but was found myself too busy trying to justify something that needs no justification...
"Yes, you can do that"
The fact that Ontap 5.2 was cited specifically, I found particurally foolish. I don't know if the Jason was aware, but disk firmware upgrades are hardly a feature unique to netapp.. Take a look at luxadm(1) for your Sun StorEdge's, and numerous other examples that I am too short on coffee to come up with at the moment....
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Graham C. Knight wrote:
I find this all rather amusing.
IF somebody really wants to screw us up and IF they can crack our firewall and IF they can crack the root password of our admin host and IF they care to upgrade the firmware on our filer and IF they know how to do it and IF it breaks the filer beyond usablility