Hey all...
I was told, by just about everyone, that if I wanted full CIFS without the "backout problems" possible with 5.x, then I should just go to 4.3.4...
Well.. I have.. and the major porblem I HAD with the NetApp implimentation of CIFS seems to still be there: It looks like while yes there is indeed NT server authentication happening now, no matter WHO I want to access the CIFS shares, they STILL have to MANUALLY PLACED into the /etc/passwd file!!!! What is the POINT of full blown NT server (domain) authentication if I STILL have to input ALL of the users into the /etc/passwd file! That's what my main problem is! We have TONS of UNIX users across campus who are on various NIS+ domains and as a result many have overlapping UIDs! i.e. we can NOT rely on single NIS+ uid mapping.. and would have the SAME problem if we tried to input all our users directly into a single /etc/passwd file on the server.
Is the ONLY way to get around this is by going to 5.x? Does 5.x even FIX this serious problem? What about the differences in the 5.x file system?
I don't HAVE a test file server to test this on.. 100% production... 8v/
Anyone here have this kind of expereince?
Thomas Weeks GTE SYSTEMS ENGINEER Testing-Integration Center "The Pit" Brooks AFB, DSN 240-5444