I didn’t say NetBoot. That is different (but may still work)
Get Outlook for iOShttps://aka.ms/o0ukef ________________________________ From: andrei.borzenkov@fujitsu.com andrei.borzenkov@fujitsu.com Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 8:29:44 AM To: Tim McCarthy tmacmd@gmail.com; Carl Howell chowell@uwf.edu; toasters@teaparty.net toasters@teaparty.net Subject: RE: 7-mode upgrade mismatch
Actually it is probably more fool proof approach – just pretend you are replacing boot medium and follow procedure. 7G and Data ONTAP 8 are sufficiently different, what with extra /var and so on, so netbot may not function as it did before.
Sent from my Fujitsu LIFEBOOK S937
With best regards
Andrei Borzenkov
Senior System Engineer
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E-mail: Andrei.Borzenkov@fujitsu.com
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From: Toasters toasters-bounces@teaparty.net On Behalf Of Tim McCarthy Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 4:24 PM To: Carl Howell chowell@uwf.edu; toasters@teaparty.net Subject: Re: 7-mode upgrade mismatch
Probably the best thing to do is call support ??
If I were to try something I would not the node to the bot menu. I think there is an option to install software.
Been a while. I may be wrong
Get Outlook for iOShttps://aka.ms/o0ukef
From: Toasters <toasters-bounces@teaparty.netmailto:toasters-bounces@teaparty.net> on behalf of Carl Howell <chowell@uwf.edumailto:chowell@uwf.edu> Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 8:21 AM To: toasters@teaparty.netmailto:toasters@teaparty.net Subject: 7-mode upgrade mismatch
I have a 3240 cluster with node A running 8.2.5P5 and node B running 8.1.4P9. Node A was upgraded to 8.2.5P5 and giveback was performed from node B. Takeover of node B by node A was performed, and both nodes are now running on node A. But, node B was not upgraded to 8.2.5P5 before the takeover and now when we attempt to giveback to node B so that it can be upgraded, it panics.
So, node A running 8.2.5P5 in takeover mode. Node B running 8.1.4P9 has been taken over by A. How can we get B upgraded to 8.2.5P5?