On Mon, Aug 09, 1999 at 10:15:59PM -0500, tkaczma@gryf.net wrote:
What I dislike about NetApps (Some of these might have been fixed in 5.3.x):
- The inability to kick off a user from a telnet session with ease.
This bugs me a lot
- Lack of a rudimentary editor to edit configuration files so that an administrative host is largely unnecessary (a simple vi will do).
This bugs me too!
- The inability to add quotas without stopping and starting the quota system (You can modify sizes of existing quotas, but cannot add quota restrictions without stopping and starting the quota system).
This one I don't get.
I currently add people to our system and don't see the problem you describe.
- The lack of NTP daemon to synchronize the system with the rest of the network.
Another annoyance.
I'd recommend them over Auspex for their simple and robust OS, clearcut hardware design, ease of use, and speed of cleanup after a crash. With NetApps I had no cleanups; yank a cord, plug it back in, and it continues chuging within 2 minutes. Try that with an Auspex. Similar is true with many directly attached devices.
Care to give more detail to this?
I ask because Auspex was just at my office touting their new NS2000 at a price point that I haven't seen before.