On 17/02/2006, at 9:57 AM, Peter W. Osel wrote:
Hello fellow toasters,
I plan to migrate my R100 (84 136 Gbyte disks) (yes I should upgrade to newer systems ;-), to flexible volumes, ideally I would create a single aggregate (12+12+12+12+12+11+11 disks leaving 2 HotSpares). Someone mentioned that this would not be possible, and that the R100 has a limit of 8 Tbyte for the aggregate size, thus I had to create two aggregates? Is this true? could not find any hint on the NOW site yet
This burnt me on an R200 (where the limit is 16TB).
The limits for aggregates are the same as the limits for volumes shown in the configuration guide on NOW. For an R100 that is 8TB raw.
IMHO NetApp need to pull out all the stops to remove the 16TB limit on the size of a WAFL file system. In our environment it's a killer, especially now we have flexvols.
-- Jeremy Webber Senior Systems Engineer Animal Logic Pty Ltd Phone: +61 2 9383 4837 Fax: +61 2 9383 4801 Switch: +61 2 9383 4800