leizaola@hk.com (Maren S. Leizaola) writes:
erm.. I've pointed this out before. All that they have to do is set the mailing list so that only members can post...
Well, let's not repeat the episode of May-July 2002 when the list was closed in just that way, following a major outbreak of spam, and the result was that no-one at NetApp could post to it any longer (because they got it through a local expander).
Search for "where are they now?" in the archives ...
if they can't be bothered or just don't have the time to upgrade the maialing list, I gladly volunteer to host it...
I'm not going to make unwise offers like that until our Mail Support people have their new improved list-management system (with bells on) working ... Particularly as I know from experience that managing a mailing list is a thankless task, and never ever trouble free!
That said, I would like to see some tweaking at mathworks to get rid of more of the spam, if that is at all possible.
Chris Thompson Email: cet1@cam.ac.uk