I thought I'd toss this one up for grabs, whilst I try to find support people to talk to.
I've got a BudTool 4.6, clustered F760, DOT 5.2.1 setup here, and I'm having the dickens of a time getting my filers backed up via NDMP.
Ordinarily I have file history turned on. It would appear that because of this, I'm ramming head on into NetApp BugID 9378. I do in fact see a large pause between pass III and pass IV. A 2 hour pause.
This is a problem, as 2 hours later, the backup dies with the following message in the logs:
Command exceeded maximum allowable run time 14400.
ie, 4 hours.
Questions I have:
* Has anybody found a way to circumvent the multiple-hour pause during a BudTool NDMP backup, _while keeping file history on_ ?
* Anybody seen the `killing job after 4 hours' message? Anybody know a workaround?
While highly sub-optimal, I have a backup running with no file history right now. I'm concerned that that 4 hour thing is gonna bite me in the butt again.
Suggestions? Comments? Shotgun shells to rid myself of this headache?