----- Original Message ----- From: "Sullivan, Justin" Justin.Sullivan@netapp.com To: "'Jeff Bryer'" bryer@sfu.ca; toasters@mathworks.com Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 5:55 PM Subject: RE: Adding a 36gb shelf to F740 with 18gb shelves
Yes, you're going to have a problem.. :(
If you add 36GB drives to an existing RAID group of 18GB disks, the 36GB
disks will be reported and used as 18GB drives.
Once a RAID group is established with a parity drive of xxGB, any disks
added to that RAID group will only be used to the same capacity (xxGB) as the parity drive.
When did this happen? Netapp used to have a nifty feature whereby the first larger disk drive added to a RAID group became the new parity drive, the old smaller drive became a new data drive, and additional new larger drives would then be used at their full capacity.
Unlike in the situation where a smaller driver fails and the contents must be reconstructed on to a larger drive.