On Fri, 06 Nov 1998 09:37:23 EST, Tom Limoncelli tal@dnrc.bell-labs.com wrote:
In fact, I wonder if the solution here is to turn off visible .snapshot and ~snapshot at the mointpoints and put symbolic links in the user's directory that are SNAPSHOT -> .snapshot. Or, if NetApp could have these appear as symlinks/shortcuts that would solve the problem.
That won't work. NT (and I presume win9[58]) won't let me make a shortcut to a non-existent thing, and it doesn't think .snapshot or
It will work when it's a symlink, but you have to be on UNIX to create a symlink, and then I think you're back with the same problem, because fastfind will traverse it. It doesn't know symlinks are special. It thinks SNAPSHOT is a folder (directory). I just tested this.