What scripts or tools have other people developed?
I have some SNMP tools that send out warning emails/pages when a quota tree hits certain watermarks in terms of inodes and disk usage.
Heh.. I just worked on something similiar for users here. I took/borrowed the SNMP stuff that MRTG uses and grab quota information with that.
This is an engineering department so it helps more with capacity planning and the like so it's catered to that.
Basic monitoring tools and "planning" tools is what we've been writing for ourselves. I'd be interested in a software repository where we could dump off useful stuff that others might find interesting (Ramus, for example, I'd be interested in seeing your stuff).
Oh, and while you are at it, come up with a workaround for that Solaris 2.6 multiple IP bug that is biting me right now. ;)
There is a ndd parameter you can set so that 2.6 reverts back to 2.5.1 behaviour.
- mz
-- matthew zeier -- mrz@3com.com -- 3Com EWD Engineering -- 408/764-8420 ...................................................................... "Y el mundo se mueve, mas rapido y mejor." - Fey