You can download the current qual_devices file at: see the link at the very top of this page. Hope this helps.
-----Original Message----- From: Julian Grunnell [] Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:53 AM To: 'John Stoffel' Cc: Subject: RE: Qual_devices + new disk error
Hi - thanks John. They don't want to work. Not 100% sure where they came from to be honest. But the NetApps does recognise them ... just only 17gb of them and not the 36gb.
As each install takes forever, 8 floppy disks? Are they having a laugh? Anyway doing a fresh install with my 2 x 36gb 15K drives and 3 x 36gb 10k drives installed. It chooses to use the 2 15k drives as vol0 - I had no choice in this matter it just did it, maybe because it sees these as the "smallest" drives? So ended up again with the system reporting vol0 as being made up of 2 x 17gb drives.
So did another install, this time with 5 x 10k 36gb drives, all went well. All disks shown as expected. I then edited the qual_devices file and added an entry for my 15k drives based on the format shown and did a reboot. Rebooted okay, no errors at all. So pulled one of the data drives and replaced it with a 15k drive. It then reports an error with qual_devices file:
Tue Sep 27 09:10:02 GMT [disk.dynamicqual.failure.invalidFile:error]: Device qualification information file (/etc/qual_devices) is invalid. Please refer to the qual_devices man page for corrective action. This problem must be corrected within 72 hour(s) to avoid a forced system shutdown. The following disk(s) remain unqualified: 1.3 etc...
So the NetApps must do some sort of sanity check on this file when disks are added. Again the disk is reported as 17gb only. Plug the 10k 36gb drive back in and all is well again.
Anyway, took a while but worth a go I suppose and answered a few questions.
Doing a search on NOW for "ST336753FC" gives only one reply in the NOW Forums to do with a FAS920, which wasn't much help but thought I'd include it in my reply anyway.
X271A -36GB 15K sysconfig output (from parts finder): Seagate>>>NETAPP X271_S15K3036F15 ?Cheetah 36GB 15K ST336753FC
Thanks - Julian.
-----Original Message----- From: John Stoffel [] Sent: 26 September 2005 15:53 To: Julian Grunnell Cc: Subject: Re: Qual_devices + new disk error
Julian> Got an F740 with a single disk shelf attached, running OnTap Julian> 6.5.5. Been goofing around with it, rebuilding it. The disks Julian> installed at present are:
Julian> 0: SEAGATE ST136403FC NA13 34.5GB ( 71132960 512B/sect) Julian> 1: SEAGATE ST336753FC 0005 17.0GB ( 71687367 512B/sect) Julian> 2: SEAGATE ST136403FC NA13 34.5GB ( 71132960 512B/sect) Julian> 3: SEAGATE ST136403FC NA13 34.5GB ( 71132960 512B/sect) Julian> 4: SEAGATE ST336753FC 0002 17.0GB ( 71687367 512B/sect)
Julian> Now 1.1 + 1.4 are actually 36gb 15k drives, whereas the others Julian> are 36gb 10k drives. When the 15k drives are installed I get the
Julian> following warning message:
I assume you got these 15k drives from somewhere else and not Netapp?
Julian> Now the file /etc/qual_devices is there, I even got the one from Julian> - dated Dec 2000!!?!?! (is that the Julian> latest?) but the disks above don't appear to be listed. Can Julian> anyone tell me if these disks will actaully work? As having just
Julian> 17gb available is not a great deal of use.
Well, if you're just playing, you could certainly try to just add a new entry to the qual_devices line and see what happens. But you'll be on your own.
Julian> And if these disks are supported is it possible to mix 10k & 15k Julian> drives? I really just want the full capacity of the drives.
There's no real reason they won't work together, it's just that Netapp won't support you if something goes wrong. *grin*
From the look of the file, all you'd need to add is a line like this:
D SEAGATE ST336753FC 0002 512
and see what happens. you might need a reboot to make it take effect after you do the edit. The key is probably the '512' part, since you don't want to mess around with the Zone Checksums (or is it block? I can't remember...) since you disk most likely is setup for 512 byte blocks, not the 520 byte blocks.
Good luck, John