scrub errors are - at a first glance - normal , it aim to detect and correct or reassignate bad sector before they corrupt data errors in scrubbing shouldn't automatically involve swap of disks
my personal point of view concerning scub errors is if you have scrub on different disks, there is no reason to worry about the disk (understand no problem althought it is strange) but it might be an FC controller board problem * if you have scrub on the same disk but on different sector, then there is no reason to worry about the FC controller board but it might be a disk related problem **
in case of * : if problems can't stop to arise , you could try to test the filer FC controller board with a Diag floppy in case of ** : until you don't get more than 10 or 20 scrub errors on the same disk, don't try to change the disk
you have to take into account an important thing : disk scrubbing doesn't scrub all the surface of all disk in a ride scrubbing is a too long operation to start and end in a single night from saturday to monday (around 4am) each end of week, filer will scrub a different portion of the surface, so in order to correctly scrub disks, the filer have to wait for several weeks
in order to start with a good known situation, I would manually start a scrub with the "scrub start" command (or disk scrub start for older dot). try to check the scrub status with "vol status -r" (it's long and consume CPU so be patient and try that on a friday evening perhaps) this way, all surfaces of all disk will be checked and all ambiguous sector would be reassignated. starting from that, the next week your disk scrub will start will work on a proper surface and if you still get errors, you could investigate as explain upper in * and **
note I already saw costumer getting several weeks disk scrub erros and after all that was cleaned by ontap, no more errors, only the nicest filer in the world (for me the proof that ontap scrub is doing a real good job). what is a nonsens in my opinion is the automatic generation of an email shouting DISC SCRUB EMERGENCY I WILL DIE IF DONT CHANGE DA DISK
Steve Evans wrote:
I keep getting disk scrub errors every week for the past month or so. How many errors are considered acceptable? I'm getting about two bad sectors a week, but they are spread across two (maybe three I would have to go back and check) disks.
Steve Evans SDSU Foundation (619) 594-0653