In message 13990.18533.389513.162205@whorfin, Kendall Libby writes:
"taob" == Brian Tao writes:
taob> I've got two conflicting pieces of information that I'd like to taob> have sorted out. I initially thought that clustered failover taob> was available on the F760 late last year, and that it was coming taob> to the F740 sometime this quarter. I was then told by a Netapp taob> vendor that last year saw the rollout of clustering on the taob> F630's, and that I should only expect clustering on the F760's taob> this quarter. Clustering on the F740's was not in the plans.
taob> I'm pretty sure I heard right the first time, and I'm told taob> Netapp demonstrated an F740 cluster at LISA'98. I bought a pair taob> of F740's on the assumption that I could get clustering on them taob> for 1999Q1, and I'm about to buy another pair on the same taob> assumption.
I did see a pair of 740s clusetered at LISA. I've also been talking to my reseller about clustering a pair of them, with nary a word of it not being possible. I've also heard of clustering between a 630 and a 7xx, but it "wasn't supported."
The F740's support clustering. I'm currently waiting (very anxiously) for my cluster to ship. We have too many systems depending on a little old F330 right now.