On Fri, 10 Oct 2014, Jeff Mohler wrote:
On 10 Oct 2014, at 04:02, Tom Yates madhatter@teaparty.net wrote:
On Wed, 8 Oct 2014, Momonth wrote: // sorry, if it's offtopic Is advertising jobs allowed here? I'd post more details if it's allowed. A company I work for looks for storage / linux sysadmin. In the absence of any howls of protest, my personal feeling is that it's fine, as long as it's a once-off informational post, and the vacancy is big on NetApp-related duties (ie, you don't just want a general-purpose sysadmin who must occasionally cuddle your toaster). I'm willing to be guided by the community if those guidelines aren't acceptable, or if they produce some kind of spamstorm.
Votin no on this one.
Let's not start the debate on-list; the fallout from the debates about my domain name, at the time of the move from MathWorks, made it clear to me that list members *really* don't want that sort of debate on-list.
If you have feelings either way, please, just email me *personally* some time in the next week. I'll keep a tally, and if there's a strong preponderance either way, that's how I'll go.