There were warnings the last time I upgraded cDOT from 8.3.2RC2 to 8.3.2 GA and again when going from 8.3.2GA to 8.3.2P1
The warnings had no errors associate with them and the upgrade failover/giveback completed without any problems.
I wonder if the warnings are related to the fact that each node in the HA cluster has an an ifgroup using two 10G physical ports.
The ifgroup a0a is shared using one vlan for the data lifs, and another vlan for the IC lifs.
The data lifs failover to the other node's data lifs but the IC lifs failover to the local node where the target is itself.
The network infrastructure between the separate buildings where the second cluster lives is such that we cannot use another set of physical ports for the intercluster lifs on the node.
Are the vague warnings when upgrading hinting that this is not an optimal configuration?
fc1-ev::> network interface show -vserver uperc -lif email.filers -failover Logical Home Failover Failover Vserver Interface Node:Port Policy Group -------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- --------------- uperc email.filers fc1-ev-n2:a0a-539 system-defined DATA_PUB Failover Targets: fc1-ev-n2:a0a-539, fc1-ev-n1:a0a-539
fc1-ev::> network interface show -role intercluster -failover * Logical Home Failover Failover Vserver Interface Node:Port Policy Group -------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- --------------- fc1-ev fc1-ev-n1_ic1 fc1-ev-n1:a0a-736 local-only IC Failover Targets: fc1-ev-n1:a0a-736 fc1-ev-n2_ic1 fc1-ev-n2:a0a-736 local-only IC Failover Targets: fc1-ev-n2:a0a-736