We used to have LVD DLT stackers connected to a F740 through a converter. We didn't have any problem with that. But I remember discussions that going from OnTap 5 to 6 would cause us problems with the converter. We ended up buying an AIT-2 HVD library.
Instead of using a converter what about buying an HVD card for the 920? This summer we eexpect to migrate to a 9xx series and we'll be in the same situation as you.
On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 11:20:00AM -0500, Tim Longo wrote:
We plan to migrate from a F740 to an FAS920. Since the 920 has an LVD scsi connector, we'll need an LVD to HVD converter in order to continue using our existing tape library.
Anyone using a converter of this type? I've seen several via google, so I'm looking for some feedback from people using this option.
Thank you.