On Feb 3, 2012, at 4:09 PM, Yee, Steven wrote:
> giveback will probably flag a bunch of mismatches since
> a lot more “always on” licenses will appear.
> its better to pre-flight the new packaging for your platform and make
> sure that the package keys are installed prior to upgrade.
> Typically you would’ve gotten all of the keys, there are odd (non-normal) cases
> where you might have gotten one of the child keys without
> purchasing the actual package, you’d need to resolve that with
> the sales team prior to upgrade or you’ll have the problems I mentioned.
> You can, if you want install the package keys after upgrade but I’m assuming
> you want to minimize any outage/disruption.
> steve.
> From: Fletcher Cocquyt [mailto:fcocquyt@stanford.edu]
> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 3:49 PM
> To: Yee, Steven
> Cc: toasters@teaparty.net
> Subject: Re: any licensing issues NDU -> 8.1RC2?
> Hi Steven - thanks for the link - yes, I can get to it
> sound like I should add a license command prior to giveback to verify all the features I need are still licensed properly?
> (or would giveback flag mismatched licenses ?)
> thanks
> --
> Fletcher
> On Feb 3, 2012, at 3:42 PM, Yee, Steven wrote:
> not sending this out to the dl, not sure if the KB link I’m sending has been made public yet ..
> (it should be, but one never knows)
> The 8.1 licensing uses the new packaging, but the packaging mapping
> is dependent on the platform type. It looks like your standby cluster is
> a FAS 32xx or 62xx because that’s the new packaging for those machines.
> Not sure what machine you’re starting with. The only time you really have a
> problem is if you were using a feature that is now part of a “package”
> but you had never installed the “package key” (eg the feature that represents the whole package)
> then on upgrade the feature will disable until the package key is installed.
> The only other issue is that if you try and use one of the “always included” features
> (like multistore on a 62xx) for the first time you will notice that there is now
> a new on/off switch. If the key was installed previously, then on upgrade that
> on/off option should be set to ‘on’ but if you have issues during upgrade you will want to check that
> first.
> steve.
> From: toasters-bounces@teaparty.net [mailto:toasters-bounces@teaparty.net] On Behalf Of Fletcher Cocquyt
> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 3:05 PM
> To: toasters@teaparty.net
> Subject: any licensing issues NDU -> 8.1RC2?
> WIll I run into any license issues during this NDU? Hate to be trying to get a license code at 3am…
> The ones that are critical are NFS, Multistore and snap mirror
> The systems have license codes for:
> a_sis
> cluster
> cluster_remote
> flex_clone
> flexcache_nfs
> http
> iscsi
> multistore
> nearstore_option
> nfs
> snapmirror
> snapmirror_sync
> snapmover
> snaprestore
> syncmirror_local
> I noticed our standby cluster (already running 8.1.RC2) lists:
> a_sis ENABLED
> cf CODE
> cf_remote CODE
> compression ENABLED
> disk_sanitization ENABLED
> flash_cache ENABLED
> flex_scale ENABLED
> flexcache_nfs ENABLED
> http ENABLED
> iscsi CODE
> multistore ENABLED
> nearstore_option ENABLED
> nfs CODE
> operations_manager ENABLED
> persistent_archive ENABLED
> protection_manager ENABLED
> provisioning_manager ENABLED
> snapmirror CODE
> snapmirror_sync ENABLED
> snapmover ENABLED
> snaprestore CODE
> storage_services ENABLED
> sv_linux_pri ENABLED
> sv_unix_pri ENABLED
> sv_vi_pri ENABLED
> sv_windows_ofm_pri ENABLED
> sv_windows_pri ENABLED
> syncmirror_local CODE
> thanks
> --
> Fletcher