Buy a step up / down AC transformer 220/110 and plug away - less than $100 comes with US plugs so you may have to mod an extension cord. Your 220 is single phase 60 cycle? Check the PS on the shelf it may support 50-60cycle.
Hunter M. Wylie 21193 French Prairie Rd St. Paul, Oregon 97137 Bus: 503-633-8900 FAX: 503-633-8901
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Enger Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 2:30 PM To: Subject: Looking for 220V powers for Shelf...
I am looking for 2 powermodules for Netapp-shelf (FC6?). The powers I have are 110V, and thus unusable here in Norway. The part code of my 110V powermodules are XLPSU-NA1. I need the 220V version. Does anyone have any spares?
This is for home-experimentation, and I do not wish to pay like 2-300 $ for each power...
Can anyone help?
John Enger