jack.lyons@martinagency.com writes
Can you tell me whether or not a TB = 1000 GB or 1024 GB
Depends whether you're buying or selling!
In my volume properties screen:
Used Capacity: 1.18 TB % Used: 90% Total Capacity: 1.31 TB
But in my Manage Volumes screen it shows I have 127 GB available. 1.31 - 1.18 = .13 TB = 133.12 GB if 1 TB = 1024 GB 1.31 - 1.18 = .13 TB = 130 GB if 1 TB = 1000 GB
127 GB = .127 TB if TB = 1000 GB 127 GB = .130 TB if TB = 1024 GB
^^^^ should be .124, shouldn't it?
so it seems that in one screen they use 1 conversion factor and another screen they use a different one.
You can't really tell starting with only two significant digits, of which the last one is already fuzzy because it was formed by taking a difference.
It's my impression that NetApp use KB,MB,GB,TB for 2^10,2^20,2^30,2^40 bytes pretty consistently, e.g. in "df -h" output (although rounding is sometimes downwards and sometimes to nearest).
Chris Thompson Email: cet1@cam.ac.uk