Since the toasters list appears successful and has been very useful to us, I would like to propose a new list for discussion of NetApp Caches.
In a very similar way to the current toasters list, the new list would be independent of NetApp. Hopefully it would similarly attract some participation from NetApp people and be the basis for users to self support one another, gripe where needed, and bounce ideas off walls to see how they look.
Planet uses a number of NetApp caches here at our Leeds UK site. We run a couple of mailing lists already and I am happy to add this one to our set. Alternatively if there are good reasons to host elsewhere then I'm willing to listen. I'd also be proposing that the list be mirrored into an web archiving service such as
I'd like an expression of support or otherwise to see if its worth starting up the list. If any comments can be sent to the address
then I will collect these together in a few days and summarise to the lists. The reply address on this mail is set to the above address. Please note that this is not the list address and should it come into being it probably won't have that address.
Comments, flames, praise etc back to me at the cache-toasters address.
One last thing.... we really would need a cool name! Any puns on make-cache-fast will not be entertained :-)