Prior to 7.x, you can use netgroups with "-access=", but not with "-rw=", or "-ro=". 7.x and later doesn't use "-access=", and does allow netgroups with rw, and ro. Also worth noting, prior to 7.x the -rw= specified the systems you grant read write access to, and all other hosts get read-only access. 7.x and newer requires using -ro= to specify the read-only clients.
Check the NOW documents on upgrades to 7.x, and your man pages (na_export).
Subject: netgroups Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 09:25:20 +0200 From: "Willeke, Jochen" To:
Hi toasters,
does anybody know since when (Ontap Version) you have the possibility to manage access to nfs-exports with netgroups. I was not able to find something on NOW but my test make me believe that it does not work with 6.5.4. Or perhaps it does not work with 6.5.4 and me :-)