Hey Toasters…
In 7-mode systems, I have some exports down in the subdirectory levels.
Top is a volume. Dir1 and dir2 are Qtrees
/top -sec=sys,rw=client1,client2 /top/dir1 –sec=sys,rw=client3 /top/dir2 –sec=sys,rw=client4 /top/dir2/host /host5 –sec=sys,rw=client5 /top/dir2/host/host6 –sec=sys,rw=client6
I know I can have different export policies on /top and one each qtree.
Is making the directories “host5” and “host6” above completely separate volumes and mounting them via junction paths under ‘host’ really the only way to give them their own export policy? My goal here is that client5 can mount only /top/dir/hosts/host5 and client6 can mount only /top/dir/hosts/host6. But client1,2 can mount /top and be able to cd down the tree to see both host5 and host6 directories.
It seems to me that being able to export arbitrary directories is kind of a fundamental feature of NFS.. It’s hard to imagine that it won’t do that and they can still call it an “NFS server”
I’m new to cdot.. so thought I would ask what others are doing.