Hi there!
I've been asked some questions by our Y2K project team, specifically related to NetApp, and I'm unsure how to respond.
From the web page (http://www.netapp.com/y2k_table.html) it seems
that the only thing that is 'preliminarily evaluated' is DOT 4.1.
Can anyone give the authorative answer to:
1) Are there any plans to use a hardware clock that stores 4-digit years?
2) What Y2K tests were performed on DOT 4.1
3) Have later releases (4.1.3, 5.0, etc.) had the same tests run on them before release?
4) Can customers get access to NetApp test plans and results, directly or via a non-disclosure agreement?
More generally, are people inclined to believe that, once certified by NetApp, the appliances can be treated as 'any other' NFS server by client machines, or would you advocate specific interoperational testing with NetApp kit?
Cheers, Mike Thomson