I am going to create a vif using two interfaces (e0a and e0c). The IP address of e0a is going to be the IP for the vif, e0c is not in use.
I was hoping to do this without shutting down, and disrupt connections on that IP for just a few seconds.
Do I need to "ifconfig down" e0a before running "vif create" ?
For speed and accuracy, I will put the commands in a file beforehand and run it with "source".
The switch is configured, but I have to move the cables to the configured ports. Should I do this before running "vif create" ?
This is a clustered pair, so I will be doing this on both filers. Any clustering issues to worry about? Should I "cf disable" before and "cf enable" after to avoid any unwanted fail overs?
I would appreciate any suggestions on how best to do this.
Steve Losen scl@virginia.edu phone: 434-924-0640
University of Virginia ITC Unix Support