Hi all,
I have unset netcache by this command : ok unsetenv netcache ok setenv netcache? false
I have check environnement : ok printenv Variable Name Value Default Value netcache? false
That's ok at this point. I boot on DATA ONTAP Diskettes, and choose " (4) Initialize all disks " at the menu : Zero disks and install a new file system? y This will erase all the data on the disks, are you sure? y Zeroing disks takes about 15 minutes.....
I enter some configuration information (as hostname, ip...) & i am stopped by " Please enter your license: " I have tested to enter a valid license for nfs, cifs : " You must enter a valid system license " I have tested to enter a valid license for netcache : that's ok (but after I have a system problem : low battery and the system shutdown !) So I would like to know if it's right to enter netcache license to convert netcache in filer ?? Do must change the netcache firmware to filer firmware ??
Thanks for your help, Laurent.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Husri Hassan" husri@jaring.my To: "masterlolo" masterlolo@noos.fr Cc: toasters@mathworks.com Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 6:23 AM Subject: Re: Converting Netcache to Filer
Hi, masterlolo,
sorry below is from filer to netcache. Should be the same method.
On Fri, 17 Sep 2004, Husri Hassan wrote:
hi masterlolo
#ok setenv netcache? true and make sure jumper at the motherboard (J1,
and J50) are match the netcache board.