I asked something like this last year. Folks pointed out that the dump format created by the filer isn't sun standard. It's ufsdump, but with two extra records at the beginning of the file. fsf to the file you want, then fsr 2, then ufsrestore -i.
Restoring dump tapes created by a filer to a solaris filesystem worked for me. When I tried restoring dump tapes created by a filer *back* to the filer, it didn't work. Error about wrong number of volumes, I think it was, no matter what option I chose. Right about then the hours on the phone with Veritas support started to pay off, and I was able to use netbackup for restores.
Dennis Chandler wrote:
I've been trying to load older dump tapes (ontap 4.3.3) to our new filer (ontap 5.2.3) and nothing is working. Solaris ufsrestore complains that the tapes aren't in dump format and attempts to load with filer dump fails miserably. Why wouldn't NetApp make these formats compatible?