My name is Michael Homa and I'm a member of the Systems Group at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Some background ---------------
We have two F740 filers: netapp1 and netapp2. o Both of them are at ONTAP 6.2.1. o Each has a different admin host. o Both have two FC9 data shelves. On netapp1, one shelf contains 18GB drives; the other shelf, 36GB drives. On netapp2, both shelves have 36GB drives. o Netapp1 has one volume, vol0, and two raid groups, rg0 and rg1. o Netapp2 has two volumes, volboot and vol0, and each volume has a single raid group, rg0.
Netapp1 is the "center of our universe" and is NFS-mounted to almost all of our production servers. Netapp2 currently functions solely as the recipient of the snapmirroring of netapp1.
I've been asked to undertake a project in which I make netapp2 be a duplicate of netapp1. In the event that netapp1 becomes unavailable (maybe a catastrophic hardware failure), we want to re-cable netapp2 to the network, monkey with DNS, and reboot the box. In effect, for all intents and purposes, make it netapp1.
It's a good idea in theory but maybe in practice it won't work out. Nope. Now that I think about it, it doesn't even sound like a good idea in theory but my boss has asked me to try it so what the heck.
Has anyone attempted this? I'm looking for suggestions, ideas, "gotchas." I don't need to reinvent the wheel; I'm more than willing to learn (borrow, steal) from others.
Michael Homa Academic Computing and Communication Center University of Illinois at Chicago email: mhoma@uic.edu