We have 21 filers and are using DFM quite extensively for disk space forecasting and purchase planning. We group the volumes/qtrees by the different areas of our design team. Managers of those areas can look at trending to help forecast their future needs. Being that we have such a large installation I view DFM as a wonderful tool. I can see where you might not have such a need if your installation is smaller and easier to manage but for our needs it has been put to use effectively to address these issues. We also use it to monitor the machines and email/page us if there is a problem. Since the machines only email/page on reboot if there is a crash, DFM gives us fast visibility to problems. You could rewrite that function with shell scripts I suppose but this is another reason we like this tool.
Your milage may vary. C-
On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 04:17:41PM -0700, Kerry Herschel wrote:
Has anyone used Data Fabric Manager with Mozilla Firebird on a Solaris 2.8 server? Technically it is not supported (only netscape) so I was wondering if anyone has tried it.
Also how do people feel about Data Fabric Manager? Is it a useful tool?
Thanks for any comments,
================================================================ ICIS Jet Propulsion Laboratory Phone 818.354.1111
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