You'd have to make sure the larger disks are in a different raid group then the 144g disks are. You can have different sized disks in the same shelf. You'd only loose space if the larger disks are in the same raidgroup, the shelf doesn't matter. I feel required to note that SATA disks and FC disks can't coexist in the same shelf (yet?) so you have to stick with FC disks.
You can't move the disks without interruption in service, but you can move them fairly quickly. Just shut the system down, schedule an outage window or whatever procedure for your site. Turn off the system and reshuffle the disks as you will. Then power the system on again. WAFL's raid data is kept on disk, so moving them around on the same system is really that easy. SE's demo that at customer sites sometimes.
On 8/6/07, Josef Radinger wrote:
We have the following situation: A 3020c with 3 FC shelves (with 144G disks), and 2 SATA shelves. one head has the FC ones, the other ownes the SATA ones. For some reason 2 of the FC shelves are only half-filled and we would like to buy larger FC disks.
*) is it possible to intermix different sized disks in one aggregate? (i think so) *) is it possible to intermix different sized disks in one shelf? eg. 7 144G disks and 7 larger disks in one shelf. i dont think so, without loosing the extra space. at least in the past this was not possible with older versions of ontap, if i read the older posts correctly.
*) is it possible to move 7 disks from one shelf to the other half-filled shelf without data loss and interruption? then i would have 2 full shelves and one empty shelf and could ad the new disks to that empty shelf (and the same aggregate).
yours josef
-- MfG Josef Radinger it-services Medizinische Universitaet Innsbruck