Hello. Does anyone have any word on when LTO 5 drives will be supported in OnTap ?
I'm getting an evaluation unit in a few days and was hoping to see it work with my FAS3040 with FC connections. I've never had FC tape drives on this 3040, the FC card has just sat there unused. I have had LTO3 SCSI drives attached to it.
Does anyone have any experience with just connecting a new tape drive to an unused FC port like this ? I would like to think that the worst that would happen is that the 3040 just wouldn't see it, but I guess a filer panic could happen.
We are a bit behind the OnTap curve, we are still at We went to 7.3.1, but got hit with a filer panic loop due to linux clients hitting it with the rquota bug, so we had to downrev back. That was a while ago, but its left a bad taste for 7.3 for us..
Thanks, Paul