On Thu, 26 Mar 1998, Alexei Rodriguez wrote:
How much is that memory in your cisco router? How about Sun memory?
I don't have Cisco prices handy, but with our Fujitsu discount on Sun equipment, it ends up being "only" about 150% that of non-discounted parts from Kingston.
Now, the difference between NetApp and the others is that you can get approved (warranted) 3rd party parts.
Kingston has replacement warranties for their products, tested in other vendors' hardware (Sun for sure, dunno about Netapps). In any case, the remaining filer components are still under Netapp warranty.
| Hmm....4 drives for the price of 1 magic netapp drive? The burnin | testing it just not flying with me. For the price savings on a 26drive | upgrade, we could buy *ANOTHER* F630 chassis to use just for burning | in drives/ram.
Will DeVine also send you over-night replacement disks (in carriers)? Will they be able to send you drives with specific firmware revs which are correctly supported?
Our vendor can source specific firmware revs on drives. As for overnight replacement... who cares? For the price of one Netapp drive, we can have one third-party sourced drive in the chassis and two or three others sitting in cabinet as cold spares. Four-hour turnaround time sometimes isn't fast enough. Stock your own spares where possible, so you don't have to rely on your vendor or on courier companies during a crisis. Netapp's prohibitive pricing on components makes it much more difficult to do that.
| Will netapp disclose their burin software by chance?
I think they assemble the systems and beat the crap out of them
We seem to be able to beat the crap out of the filers better than Netapp can, judging by the results of our in-house burn-ins for our eight units.
Having a large budget for capital purchases and trying to get the best value you can are not mutually exclusive.
Amen... if my budget suddenly doubles in size, it doesn't mean I'll go buy components that are twice as expensive. I'll want to buy twice as much of the same thing. ;-)