Do you have ESH-Modules in your shelfs???
We had a similar problem with one. It showed suddenly no temperature. Only way to fix it was to exchange it. You have to make a RMA.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Gesendet: Freitag, 29. Juli 2005 06:29 An: Barry Robison Cc: NetApp Toasters List Betreff: Re: Temperature sensor on Shelf
- How to disable this temperature probe fow now
in DFM you can increase
Environmental Monitoring Interval
to something quite high...
Dont have DFM, need to look into an alternative.
- Does the filer shut off if the temperature hits some number.
no they don't. We looked into this for a filer we ahve in a self contained A/C rack. You have to script something up to power down the Filer head in overheat situations.
Luckily I dont have an overheating problem as of now. Just an errant probe.