On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 08:41:13AM -0500, tsnow@hq.nasa.gov wrote:
I ran into something similar. During the boot sequence I typed in a ctrl
- c to get to the OK prompt. Once at the OK prompt type "boot floppy"
Similar to SUN systems.
When your are at the OK prompt you can set some enviroment variables also.
setenv floppy-boot? true
Check the docs. Not sure what all the variables are.
Well ... I explain badly due to my terrible english ...
I have installed from floppies THEN reboot as requested by the setup utility , but at this time the filer wants to get a DHCP/BOOTP request... I have filled Ip addresses fields during setup and it does not seems to be accepted by the filer as it always try to get its IP address thru DHCP